I’m a rocker. When I feel excited, happy, angry, frustrated or I just want to drown out my noisy neighbors, I put in my earbuds and rock out. Music has always given me a boost from when I was a teenager and decided I want to move to Los Angeles to become a music journalist (I covered music and nightclubs for the Los Angeles Times for 5 years) to now. I have an entire wall of shelves dedicated to my massive music collection including vinyl, CDs and books. I refuse to give it up in favor of much more compact digital versions. (Yes, moving is hell!) Though I don’t hit the clubs every night like I used to, I still get out for a good show once in a while. Below are some photos from a recent show with the Checkers and International Swingers that reunited me with some old friends and classic rock stars.
The Checkers
I feel like I’ve grown up with singer Julie Green, we’ve known each other so long. Her band is a savvy mix of cool girly pop, mod and new wave. She’s got a rad ‘60s style that I love but she can break you with some punk rawk attitude! Check out their CDs “Running with Scissors” and “Make a Move.”
The International Swingers
Talk about all stars! Featuring former Sex Pistol Glen Matlock, Blondie’s Clem Burke, Gene Loves Jezebel/Generation X/The Alarm’s James Stevenson and 20 Flight Rockers’ Gary Twinn, this band blew the roof off lil’ ol’ Skinny’s bar in North Hollywood for a not-so-secret show before they headed out for an Australian tour. They performed hits from all of their previous bands and the crowd went absolutely ballistic, especially when they busted out a little Pistols’ anarchy. Yeah! Bring it!
See photos from the show here.
Rock on,

20 Flight Rockers,
Clem Burke,
Gary Twinn,
Gene Loves Jezebel,
International Swingers,
James Stevenson,
Sex Pistols,
The Alarm