Happy Earth Day! Our poor planet has been beat up – too much disposable consumerism choking the landfills, too many toxins in everything. It’s not only hurting the planet, it’s hurting our health and it’s making precious animals like the polar bear go on the verge of extinction – and that just makes me sad.
I try to do as many sustainable actions in my life as possible – to conserve energy, not be wasteful, recycle, reuse, bring my own bags when I go shopping, drive a Prius. I’ll admit I’m not perfect, sometimes I forget my bags, sometimes there isn’t a place to recycle something and I put it in the trash. Sometimes I really want to buy something I know isn’t planet-friendly. But I try. If everybody at least TRIES, all those little actions add up to a big impact.

And as you may know from reading this blog, I like to go out. And one place I found where I can let my green flag fly is Green Drinks, where like-minded greenies get together and enjoy eco-cocktails (yes, there are organic liquors, made with organic juices, you just have look for them.) The events take place in cities all around the world. In Los Angeles, the drinks are made courtesy of bartender Michelle Green Queen (see interview) and take place on the East and West sides of town alternately so no matter where you live, it’s close enough. We meet, chat about what we do, what we’re passionate about and inspire each other. It’s a friendly informal group that meets once a month and no matter what shade of green you are -from doing a little to a lot, all are welcome. Follow LA Green Drinks on Facebook to learn of upcoming events.

At the recent Green Drinks celebrating Earth Day, there were models wearing fashions designed completely from trash found on the beach – dirty Styrofoam paper plates and cups, cigarette filters and potato chip bags. It’s shocking to realize how lazy people are – really, you can’t even put something in a trash can, let alone a recycle bin and just leave it on the beach for others to have to look at? Makes ya think.
Check out the party pix below:

So this Earth Day, think little – little actions you can take every day to be more socially responsible. Turn off the lights you aren’t using, get a recycling bin in your home. It all makes a difference!
Be green,

Earth Day,
green drinks