Wine & Mid-Century Fashion Soiree
June 17, 2013
by — Posted in Fashion
It was a seductive Friday night in downtown. The temperature was perfectly mild and people were ready to shake off the work week, get dressed up and go out. The Los Angeles Athletic Club provided a delicious, historic backdrop for an evening of elegant vintage fashion. The wine flowed from Los Angeles Wine Tasting, a silent auction brought bids for rarely seen candid photos of Marilyn Monroe, James Dean, Elizabeth Taylor and Frank Sinatra from the Frank Worth Collection, and the crowded room was ready to be dazzled by mid-century offerings from Clever Vintage Clothing from the era when glamour was definitely IN.
I was honored to be asked to be one of the models working the nightclub’s catwalk. After several fittings, each dress more beautiful than the next, it was decided I would wear two classic 1950’s silhouettes. First: a floral-print wiggle dress with a copper sheen Second: a black brocade, wide-collar, full-skirted party dress that buttoned down the front with a pop of a purple petticoat underneath.
It was all kinds of girliness backstage as we prepped hair and makeup (we all did our own) and slipped into this gorgeous cocktail attire. Then there was the lineup for Dave and Sabino of Clever Vintage to assess every fit and color and order in which we would appear. We carried numbers so the audience members could easily remember which dress they would like to purchase for themselves.
What was great about this show was that all the models have been customers of Clever Vintage. We are all regular scenesters at vintage style events around town and we mostly all knew each other. We were real girls who live it and love it. Authentic pinups for sure and not a diva in the room, lots of girl bonding support in helping to fine-tune every detail.
Then it was time for our big moment. A walk through the room, a few spins, some poses for the cameras. Then a quick change to our second outfit to do it all over again. And the clothes were a hit! We all had a great time showing them off. Special thanks to Dave and Sabino for letting us all be supermodels for the night and to Jean-Baptiste Dhalluin of LA Wine Tasting for putting on this extraordinary event!
From the runway,
Photos by Mr. Mojo Würkin (1,2,7) Susan Londoner (3,4,5) and Clever Vintage (6)